~Delightful DIY Christmas Garland Bunting! :D

Our assignment this time was a Christmas one! It was an awesome warming feeling to come in to our school office and find a heart-warming Christmas display. Our assignment was to make Christmas decoration and ornaments with a gold- silver- white theme. My project was to make the bunting. My partner and I made a simple but outstanding and charming ornament for Garland bunting. In this blog I will show you each step in which we took to end up with a beautiful result. 10850445_1011863335497129_1044778524_n Materials that are required are as follows:

  • white card-board paper (color is optional)
  • liquid glue
  • paint brush (for glue)
  • scissors
  • tape
  • pine-cones (quantity is as much as you would like to make)
  • potato sack material
  • silver glitter
  • ribbon (like an apricot- goldish color)
  • silver ribbon
  • glue gun (only for the ribbon)

unnamed    ribbonPicMonkey Collage glue-gun Step 1:

Material: Cardboard, tape, pine-cone, scissors 😀

For the first step you’ll need to make the cone out of the card-board paper.

1. you start out by folding a small triangle in corner of cardboard


2.you continue folding until you’ve rolled the whole paper


3.Before you tape the cone, you measure the size of the pine-cone because later on you have to glue it in!


4.Before you tape the cone, you measure the size of the pine-cone because later on you have to glue it in!


5.The tape it to secure your cone shape


6.This is how it should look with the pine-cone able to fit in your cone – but we haven’t glued it yet!

1897656_10204750688240861_7100053292378581779_n 7.Now we trim the ends of the cone!

Step 2:

Here you could choose either to:

  • glitter the pine-cones first then stick them in the cone
  • or stick them in the cone, then glitter them

Now we glue the inside edge of the cone to glue the pine-cone to it

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